Sunday, October 31, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
The guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat, or will stay awake just to watch you sleep means he want you... wait for him to kisses your forehead, show you off to the world when you are in sweats, holds your hand in front of his friends, thinks you' re just as pretty without makeup on. One who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have YOU... The one who turns to his friends and says, thats her.. |
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Happy monthsary dearest!
May our relationship be full of love and laughters.
bring us far away from the anger we once had.
give us ways to avoid all fights.
having you by my side once again makes me
afraid to be far away from you.
i have went through the hard times
and i will never want to come across that again.
i love you zaid.
p.m- thank you mama for supporting our relationship. and merestui hubungan kami :D
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
my love lyfe is now back to normal. to think back it is so immature for us to make such a big fuss about a small thing. fights here and there is normal. managing a fight is important too. facebook have been the reason of our fights and that is why i we deactivated our individual facebook and created a new account. i really hope this is a good idea. well accepting him in my life again is sort of a hard decision. i dont want history to repeat thats all. but i think after the talk we had it is easier for us to communicate with our personal feelings. zaid i love you and i dont want to go through those difficult times again. lets put away the past and start a fresh. :D thank you mama who have been my pillar when i am going through hard times.
i am sick. flu, cough, dizziness and fever.
ouh its killing me :(
Monday, October 11, 2010
chalet was totally tremendous thou i dont know most of the people there. it is a two family thing and combined into one. so jyeah. my favorite crab noodle have been invaded by those people haha.. neh mind. the main thing is that i enjoy my days :D thank you so much mama for making the effort to put this up for your 2 children. actually abg yg sebok nah nk chalet. haha da sudah :P mum did alot for us, too much that we cannot think of a way to return her. so insyallah all i want is to study as high as i can. get the best job. and make my mum live like a queen. amin :D the best role model for a mother is her. her love, care and concern towards her children is more than "mother hen loves their eggs". now mama is catching a cold. get well soon mama.. i love you so much :)
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
I'm tired of having to put up with this. I don't even know why I'm still being nice when, by right, I'm supposed to go bitch on you. Maybe because of the fact that I actually have a heart & still care.
I don't deserve this. From you especially.
Every girl has a princess inside. There are many boys in the world, but your prince will find you. Even if it doesn't work out this round, it just means that you kissed the wrong frog (Y)
How true.
I take this as a free reign for me.
I don't deserve this. From you especially.
Every girl has a princess inside. There are many boys in the world, but your prince will find you. Even if it doesn't work out this round, it just means that you kissed the wrong frog (Y)
How true.
I take this as a free reign for me.
credits to babybontot
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Monday, October 4, 2010
ITS OVER NOW. want to be single so badly huh? ok i give you a single life. guess thats way better for you ey. nvm im used to this. i dont care if ur not coming back. i had enough. to me its okae to fight bcoz of small little things bt its not ok to chnge status just because of a stupid fight. its not like as if i have another guy rite. oh well ur decision is made so is mine. you may enjoy now. so am i :) breaking up with you isnt that bad after all. aniwae thank you for.................. oh wait!! what is there to thank you?? haha ditching me is so simple huh. nahh its okae. i believe in karma. i hope life is easier now. thank you all for staying by me no matter what my decision is.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
i am just a basket for you to fill me with vulgarities
i tried to be honest
what if i cant accept it? shld i just accept or shld u change?
or mayb we are just not meant to be together?
fight once in a while brings ur closer but everytime.......
we might realize we are on the rocks any moment.
i bet all girls will do the same if they find out.
want to be alone?
I say I’m not pretty.
Not because I’m looking for attention or compliments,
but because that’s truly how I feel.
I don’t believe that I am pretty because I can see everything you don’t.
I see how my stomach looks when I’m standing in my bra.
I see the face under the make up.
I see every little flaw about myself, even if you can’t.
I say I’m not pretty because I’d be lying if I said I was.
plus+ i have never receive any compliments from you
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